Travelling clocks
The man’s pocket travelling clock with a quarter repeater in a leather case. It was manufactured in Switzerland in the early XX century. As the book of the museum gifts says it was handed by Parfiry Ignatovich Zybanov on the 2 of April, 1975.
The clock has an anchor-type mechanism. It’s inserted into the outer cover of leather with a holder, which makes it possible to place them vertically. There is a repeater, which is activated by a lever on the side face. The clock is in working state – it goes sharp and is wound up by a remontoir (a head). It strikes hours by a kicking single blow and quarters by double one. The back cover is hinged. Also on the back side there are numbers "305593" on its inner surface. These numbers mark its serial number. There is a stamp «BREVET» on the mechanism which tells us that the clock was made according to the patent.